Metamorphosis: 3 Steps To Powerfully Navigate Change

Off the back of my personal journey update in Episode 1, 2023 really took me to the depths of my own metamorphosis and rebirth.

I noticed in this process how similar our own journey with this is to the Caterpillar that becomes the butterfly. When I was exploring this concept, I saw a quote that said:

"How does one become a butterfly?", she asked.

"You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar".

When we're in the thick of change, it can be difficult to want to give up the known, the comfort and the familiar in order to step into the expansion on the other side.

My hope with this podcast is it gives you a structure to lean into as you navigate the seas of inevitable change in your own life that you can return back to again and again and again - and begin to see it instead as a catalyst for growth and new opportunities.

In this episode, i'll be walking you through the three step process to powerfully navigate change:

1. Deliquesce {to become liquid}. In this step, we dissolve the resistance to shedding the old and welcoming the new.

2. Transform {to change in structure}. Now we stabilise your inner world to allow the frame to hold you as you step into the evolution that awaits.

3. Revival {a restoration of spiritual vigour}. In the final phase, we anchor into faith and take a step of courage to strengthen the new wings we've built.

If you want to take this a little deeper, you can check out the ⁠Metamorphosis⁠ 3 Day Training I ran earlier in the year that includes a customised breathwork journey and additional resources for just $47.

Enjoy loves! I hope this supports you to stretch your wings and fly xx