Growing Through Adversity with Davina Rankin

Davina is a 2/4 Splenic Projector, Digital Creator, Mum to Mila-Mae and author of Empowered Moo. She also used to be my Personal Trainer yearsss ago and we share our history from shot taking 20-somethings to embracing a journey of wellness and personal empowerment to land where we are today.

We talked a lot about overcoming adversity and negativity online, the transition to motherhood and being able to navigate the world of business at the same time, why she decided to write affirmation books for kids and what she's grown through in the last few seasons of her life. It was such a joy to have this conversation and there's soooo much to take away from it.

You can find Davina here: @davvyxx
And get an Empowered Moo book here:

what we cover:

  • Growing through adversity

  • Choosing happiness and the importance of the inner work

  • The motivation behind her creation Empowered Moo and what legacy she hopes to leave her daughter

  • The impact getting her breast implants removed has had on her health and body image

  • Navigating life and business as a Mum

  • Moving through post-natal depression and embracing motherhood