Human Design Ritual Fragrances

Human Design Ritual Fragrances: The Creation Story.

It’s been YEARS since I used any sort of chemical based fragrance. As the largest organ of the body, what we put on our skin matters. I made the switch to using essential oils - especially knowing the power of quality aromatics on a holistic level to support everything from mood to energetic alignment and health.

I became a frequent shopper at Meadowsweet Farmhouse (Mount Tambourine is Mum and I’s ‘go to’ spot) and it wasn’t long before I ended up stocking my Human Design Affirmation Decks + Journals there. I noticed they had natural fragrances in store and purchased one early last year and was an instant fan of the gorgeous scent and how it made me feel long after the I applied it.

A few months later I had the idea of creating a line of Human Design Ritual Fragrances and approached them to see if they would be interested in collaborating on them and to my delight, they said yes! We put a poll out to Instagram to help us select the scent profiles - letting each Energy Type choose the style they were drawn to the most. So if you voted in that, you absolutely had a hand in their creation (thank you!).

Once we had the answers, we used the basis of that to pull together the type of oils to blend together. This part was sooooo fun - spending the morning in the mixology room of Bohemian Farmhouse smelling all the possible oils and creating the perfect blend.

Not only did we use the preferred type of scents from the poll, but we also carefully looked at the properties of the oil and what each supported - so we could ensure they would work with you to move into the highest alignment of your design.

I knew there was common conditioning hurdles for each type on a daily basis that the oils would naturally support the gentle unravelling of and amplifying the natural state of the Signature states: Peace, Satisfaction, Success & Surprise. These fragrances are absolutely delicious on all levels! Eight months in the making, they’re finally here for you to enjoy too.

At just 12 bottles each, these are currently limited edition.

Not sure of your Energy Type? Grab your free chart here.

The Spark Ritual Fragrance for Manifestors.

The Spark Ritual Fragrance for Manifestors is a floral, rich and seductive blend that supports you to:

  • Illicit your signature of Peace. At 9% of the population, how our energy works as a Manifestor is to ride the waves of our energy that works best in surges followed by periods of rest. When we honour our strategy of informing and taking time to honour this, we experience our Signature state of Peace. However often we’ve been conditioned to ask or wait - which leads to our Not-Self of Anger. This supports you to choose and act on what will bring your Peace, daily.

  • Stay grounded and balanced in your energetic surge as you carve out new realities. Sometimes as we surge, it can be a scramble of knowing where the energy goes and how to channel it to what’s most important. This will support you to remain anchored in what’s a priority for your surge and grounded in your power as you initiate your vision.

  • Activate your defined throat superpower. Our voice is our superpower - it has the ability to activate, inspire and impact the energy around us. It’s also absolutely required for our us to lean into our energetic Strategy: To Inform. This supports you to open up the voice to clearly communicate your ideas, your needs and desires.

  • Open your heart to new possibilities, new ideas and continue to lead with love. Chances are you’ve experienced resistance along the path of creating your ideas. This works with supporting you to embrace your disruptive qualities and keep your heart open as you lead the charge.

  • Honour your surge and rest cycles. In a world full of ‘output’ conditioning, it can be challenging to sink into our Manifestor rest cycles - even when we know that the benefit of us doing so gives us the energy (and the inspiration!) to surge. This blend allows us to sink into our feminine essence and deepen our trust in the pause.

You are The Spark that lights a fire in the hearts of those you’re here to touch - may this serve as a reminder of the ferocity of your impact.

The Source Ritual Fragrance for Generators.

The Source Ritual Fragrance for Generators is a woodsy, citrus, fresh and uplifting blend that supports you to:

  • Deeper connection to the pure essence of your Sacral Response. As a Generator at around 36% of the population, you are the sacred custodian of life force energy. But you’re not just here to apply that energy anywhere - just to the places that bring you Satisfaction (your Signature state). One of the biggest pieces for the Generator as they come into alignment with their Design is leaning into the knowing that resides in the moment - the mmmm’s and ughs - that are guiding you towards to the things that will bring you the most enjoyment in life.

  • Ability to honour your boundaries and speak your truth (those Sacral No’s!). Sometimes as a Generator, you might have been conditioned to just say yes to those around you who want to use your energy. This is going to support you to honour the things that feel like an ‘ugh’ or a contraction in the body that’ll take energy away from the things that will light you up and cause a magnetic ripple in the environment around you.

  • Provides an uplifting refresher of energy to your Generator battery. Sometimes you just need a little ‘zing’ in the day to freshen up the sacral excitement. Consider this the slow release coffee for your Design.

  • Stay grounded and balanced in the execution of the things that bring you joy and Satisfaction. Because that full body YESSSS can fill up your whole body with energy to do, this will support you to channel it in the most effective way for your creations.

You are the magnetic pulse of enjoyment - may this be a daily reminder of that anchors you into the power of your response.

The Hummingbird Ritual Fragrance for Manifesting Generators.

The Hummingbird Ritual Fragrance for Manifesting Generator is a floral, rich and woodsy blend that supports you to:

  • Deeper connection to the pure essence of your Sacral Response. As a Generator at around 33% of the population, you are the sacred custodian of life force energy. But you’re not just here to apply that energy anywhere - just to the places that bring you Satisfaction (your Signature state). One of the biggest pieces for the Generator as they come into alignment with their Design is leaning into the knowing that resides in the moment - the mmmm’s and ughs - that are guiding you towards to the things that will bring you the most enjoyment in life.

  • Ability to honour your boundaries and speak your truth (those Sacral No’s!). Sometimes as a Generator, you might have been conditioned to just say yes to those around you who want to use your energy. This is going to support you to honour the things that feel like an ‘ugh’ or a contraction in the body that’ll take energy away from the things that will light you up and cause a magnetic ripple in the environment around you.

  • Stay grounded and balanced in the execution of the things that bring you joy and Satisfaction. Because that full body YESSSS can fill up your whole body with energy to do, this will support you to channel it in the most effective way for your creations.

  • Activate the feminine fluidity of the Hummingbird to remain open to changing directions with your creations. Your power as an MG is the innovative impact you have from weaving multiple realities together and showing us what’s necessary along the way. Sometimes this means changing direction in alignment with a new response - and this will keep you open to any and all possibilities along the way.

You are the cosmic Hummingbird - may this be a daily reminder of your innovative brilliance.

The Light Ritual Fragrance for Projectors.

The Light Ritual Fragrance for Projectors is a floral, soft and musky blend that supports you to:

  • Activation of the third eye and intuition to open up a deeper trust in the superpower that is your inner knowing. At 24% of the popoulation, you are here for your capacity to SEE. You’re the eagle above the field with laser sharp clarity on what can be improved, made more efficient or even optimising talents in those around you. This will support you to bring even more depth to your already penetrating and focused aura - supporting you to trust what you know.

  • Enhance your self-trust and ability to see your wisdom + perspective as valuable as liquid gold. My mantra for Projectors? Your perspective is as valuable as liquid gold. But sometimes in the space in-between when you’re waiting (allowing yourself to be recognised) - you might need a reminder of that. This allows you to connect to the Queen energy of holding your power in what you know, your genius and gifts.

  • Connection to your heart to attract and honour the Invitations that recognise your brilliance. It’s important to know what type of invitations you want to attract into your reality yes, but it’s also important to know which ones are for you to say yes to. This will support you to connect to your worth and remind you to only say yes to those who truly see your magic and honour it.

You are the all seeing light with perspective that’s as valuable as liquid gold - may this be a reminder of your power.

The Oracle Ritual Fragrance for Reflectors.

The Oracle Ritual Fragrance for Reflectors is a sweet, woodsy and fresh blend that supports you to:

  • Fortify strong energetic protection to keep your aura clear. At just 1% of the population, with ALL energy centres open - it’s super important for you to keep your energy field clear and be the sieve, not the sponge. This will throw a layer of protection around you to support you with releasing what’s not yours in the moment.

  • Allow you to honour your boundaries and introspect in your own space + energy when needed. It’s important for you to have a healthy amount of connection and to disconnect when necessary and this will support you to honour your truth when it’s time to retreat and have a breather in your own pocket of the world to recharge.

  • Soothing and grounding properties for when you’ve absorbed the energy of those in environment (perfect for before you head into a crowd!) This will support you when you’re in an environment with a lot of energetic stimulus to remain grounded and balanced in what’s actually correct for YOU.

  • Activate your energetic Signature of Surprise! You are here for a life of surprise and delight, to honour what’s true for you in each moment, to take the scenic route and go with the flow. This gives you a pep in your step to play dress up with the cosmos and not take it all so seriously.

You are the Oracle, the cosmic unicorn. May this be a reminder of your uniqueness + your briliance.

The Benefits Of Using Essential Oils When Working With Our Design.

Using essential oils for Human Design is a powerful way to enhance the experience and alignment with your unique energetic blueprint. Each essential oil carries its own specific vibrational frequency that can support different aspects of your Energy Type. For example, we’ve selected oils that will allow Manifestors to activate their voice and anchor into Peace. For the Generators & Mani-Gens, there’s oils that move them into deeper connection with their Sacral response and Satisfaction.

The Projectors have oils that will connect them to their inner knowing and open up more trust in their perspective. The Reflectors have some beautiful energy protection oils and activation of their signature of Surprise. By incorporating essential oils into your daily life in this simple way, you can deepen your understanding of your Human Design and harness the energetics of the oils to support your personal growth, deconditoning and amplification of your auric superpowers. Consider this your daily ritual to connect to your design.

Get yours now.