what is strategy in human design?

So you’ve found out your Energy Type and have an understanding of what that means…now what? Well knowing it is the first step - but embodying it and *actually* using it in your every day life is the next thing {if you’ve landed here not knowing your HD, you can pull a free chart here}.

Embodying your Human Design Strategy is really the first layer to experiment with and is the key for living a fulfilling and authentic life. It allows us to draw life, people and opportunities towards us - rather than pushing or forcing it to happen. It gives us a beautiful understanding of how our aura works, how we are designed to exchange energy with the world around us and how to use that energy to create our authentic impact.

The way I like to describe living in alignment with your Strategy is it’s like floating down the slipstream of your own brilliance, rather than swimming upstream in someone else’s. Using our strategy = more of signature. Not using it = more of our Not-Self.

It can be really easy to get distracted by all the shiny bells and whistles in our design and its common to want to embody your whole design overnight - and honestly, this is where the ‘basics’ get overlooked in the place of the intricate details. Try experimenting with one layer a month at first. Really start to notice and observe the things that bring you your Not-Self and Signature so you can start to course correct.

Because to embody something means that it’s a part of you - and this means bringing the mental understanding of your Strategy into the body. That takes time and practice. Before you start to navigate and implement some of the tips below, head to my InsightTimer to find a meditation for your unique Energy Type.

This is going to allow you to connect to how your energetic signature feels in your body and connect you to your the power of your design before you begin to experiment with your Strategy, so you’re deeply grounded in your power.

manifestor: to inform.

As a Manifestor, your aura is closed and repelling. Your energy actually moves outwards from you to clear any resistance from your creative path - giving you a clear run from where you are now to your goals or vision.

But what also supports you to get that clear run? Your Strategy: To Inform. The Manifestor is the only Energy Type with an artificial strategy. We don’t actually need to inform, but because we move quickly and powerfully - it gives those around us an understanding of what we’re about to do and lowers any resistance in our way so we can move at the speed we want to move. 

When we inform, we are basically giving others an opportunity to get on board if it moves them or get out of the way - because either way…we’re going! We’re simply and clearly giving those it’ll impact a heads up, but what we’re not doing is asking for permission or validation in our ideas. That’s like kryptonite for a Manifestor.

It sounds simple, just tell people right? But quite often we hold back because of the conditioning and experiences we’ve had in the past of receiving push back, being told no or getting feedback or input on our ideas that have meant we no longer wanted to execute them. So in order to embody your strategy - you’ve got to start building trust in your ability to ask for what you want, communicate your needs + boundaries and move with conviction in the direction you want to go.

  1. Who needs to be on your 'shortlist' of people to give a heads up to when you're Informing? Partner, parents, kids, friends, clients, team, social media community? Write out who you generally need to keep in the loop in the future.

  2. Then, practice giving those on the list a heads up of your moves. Going into a surge? What support do you need to make that happen? Heading into a rest? What boundaries will nourish you to make it happen? Landed on an idea? How do you want to authentically share the vision? Remember - permission is our kryptonite. How can you lean into trusting yourself more with what you need and the direction you're heading...and clearly communicating that?

  3. Experiment with what informing feels like in your body and the frequency it emits from your voice. Before I knew I was a Manifestor, I would show up in the energy of ‘is this ok?’, ‘do you want to hear this?’, ‘what do you want to learn from me?’. Now for me, informing is a tone. ‘This is what it is, this is when it starts, this is why it’s going to be great, this is what i’m doing, this is how you can be involved.’ Such a different feeling.

Also Manifestor - if you're feeling flat and uninspired, take a pause - rest. Create the space to HEAR the next guidance within you. If you have a surge and no space to create - move what you can to give yourself a clear runway. Block out a week in the calendar as a creative retreat. Honour what this cycle of your energy needs.

GENERATOR + MANI-GEN: to respond.

As a Generator or Manifesting Generator, you are a sacred custodian of life force energy. As such, your body is always responding to life {hence your Strategy: To Respond} around you and giving you guidance on what you want to apply your energy TO. 

Most often, this will feel like an expansive feeling in the body, or a curiosity, or excitement as a yes. Maybe there’s an ‘mmmm!’ or a lean in. A no however might be a contraction, a sinking feeling, an ‘ugh’ or a lean out.

This is giving you the green light = Satisfaction. The red light = Frustration. Your work is listening to your body and not letting the head override the power what the the sacral already knows with logic. It doesn’t need to make sense - you just need to trust what you feel. Because when you’re lit up? It builds in your body and spills out into your open and enveloping aura - which scoops all of us up in it, giving us the gift of sharing what you’ve created with your enthusiasm.

  1. What does 'responding' feel like in your body? Where do you feel it? What is the sensation, the texture of a yes and a no? Lean into the subtle (and not so subtle) cues your body is giving you of what you have energy for and how you want to use that sacral life force.

  2. Practice taking action, creating and executing from that body response rather than the obligations of the should's. Notice when you do, how does it change your approach?

  3. If it feels like *crickets* - is your environment set up for you to respond? Does your social media feed inspire you to want to add your voice to the conversation? Are you indulging in things that bring you enjoyment as a daily ritual? Are you moving the Sacral energy in your body in delicious ways to spark your creative essence? Can you put a poll or question box in your stories to create something to respond to? Have any client or personal interactions inspired you to want to share something?

Notice the 'mmm’s! in the body - act from that - and watch the difference in the resonance from those around you. You’re quite literally a super attractor and a magnet for joy when you allow your body to lead the way.

PROJECTOR: to wait for the invitation.

The Projector Strategy is one that I often see getting confused. Do I sit home and twiddle my thumbs waiting to be asked to do anything? NO. Absolutely not. Firstly, you can do, be and create anything in your world without an invitation. 

But where you’re entering the world of another, it’s going to feel more expansive when you allow yourself to be recognised. Your energy is deep and focussed, which means it actually goes INTO the other. This is what gives you such a brilliant ability to guide, lead and optimise systems and talents.

The key to your Success? Recognising your specific genius as valuable as liquid gold - holding that energy - and being visible in your genius to attract the correct invitations that allow you to offer your gifts and be reciprocated for them as well.

  1. What invitations do you want to call in right now? Write them down. Then, evaluate if you're visible in your own spaces to create those invitations. For example, you want more podcast interviews, but are you sharing on your own platforms on the things that you want to be invited into? Or you want a few more clients, but you haven't shared with your audience what you offer or that there's space to work with you. Or you want more connections - what events can you go to? The more visible you are in sharing your genius and how you can help those in your sphere, the more you open yourself for invitations to flood in.

  2. Next, how do you want to be invited? What would feel delicious for you to receive? Journal that in detail. You get to absolutely be celebrated, recognised and acknowledged for your brilliance in the exchange. What that’s going to do is open up a clean line of exchange where you’ll WANT to offer your gifts - and feel that Signature of Success doing it.

  3. Finally, practice holding the energy of 'my perspective is as valuable as liquid gold'. Show up in the energy you connected to in the meditation as you navigate in the world this week. No forcing, proving or pitching - just pure attraction. Each day, celebrate one thing that you recognise about yourself to keep anchoring into this frequency.

The more your celebrate and recognise yourself, the more visible you are sharing what you’ve mastered - the faster and easier those invitations will come. Your energy is quite literally saying ‘invite me!’. So trust they’re on the way - even if they haven’t shown up *yet*.

REFLECTOR: to wait a lunar cycle.

With all your Energy Centres open, one of your greatest gifts is what I call being the ‘cosmic consultant’. You really are the HR department for humanity because you can truly feel, see and understand what’s not working and what would improve the health of the environment.

Your energy is ‘resistant and sampling’ to be able to do this and you’re designed to be at the centre of the communities that nourish you, living a life of Surprise and delight. The key to this is making sure your environment is super healthy and you have the freedom to be yourself and move where you feel compelled to be. By honouring your need for spaciousness and working with the clarity each Lunary Cycle brings, you’ll open up even more of the magic you’re here to share.

  1. First up, set up a system for tracking all the wonderful things that unfold in your lunar cycle. Maybe it's a physical or digital board, or a journal - but just taking note of any of the ideas, creations, sparks of inspirations or decisions that are floating in the sphere. Give yourself the space to feel them out - and see what clarifies (or disappears) as time goes on.

  2. Next, has anything 'stagnated' in your environment? Where can you mix things up and create a little bit of Surprise or delight in your life? It might be in your home, taking the scenic route or trying something new.

  3. Is the community or places you're spending time in right now nourishing - or do you need to move into a new space for a while? Retreat and deplete any energy you've gathered as needed and set any boundaries with socials or IRL that will support your nourishment. Creating a little ‘time out’ zone in your home is a beautiful way to do this. Know when you need solitude and when you need to connect - you’ll need both at different points.

Remember you can be, do or have anything you want Reflector. Give yourself the grace of space, play and freedom to find out.

So now you’ve started to understand how your Strategy feels for you, the next step is to experiment with your Authority, which is your unique decision making centre. When we use our Strategy and Authority together - we move WITH life and start to make ourselves even more available for the things that make our Signature state possible. It’s like knowing how to drive your car and having your GPS programmed correctly. You’ll always end up exactly where you’re meant to be. If you want some personalised guidance, you can book a 1:1 Human Design Reading to learn more.