Transform your reality with Biodynamic Breathwork.

Biodynamic Breathwork is a unique and powerful way to tune into your body's innate ability to heal and transform. By connecting with a conscious connected breath and specific movement, you can release tension and negative emotions, reduce stress, improve your energy and focus and achieve a greater sense of peace and clarity.

Once this is freed up from the body? You unlock more confidence, self trust and self belief. A lot of times our fear of being seen, sharing our truth and our soul gifts, calling in more abundance or even struggling to feel connected to our sense of purpose can stem from a dysregulated nervous system.

The quality of our life, relationships, creativity and success is built on the health of our nervous system and body. We can do all the mindset work we want, but if we aren’t also looking at it from an energetic, emotional and nervous system level - then that experience that caused the limiting belief or upper limit can still be looping in the body.

Our body is a living library of our experiences - so the more we clear from the body, the more grounded we are in our nervous system and the safer we feel to show up, be seen, expand our ability to hold what we desire and thrive.

Using your Human Design as your unique blueprint for our session provides us with a unique understanding of your physical body. Together, we can align your environment to of optimise your transformation and healing. We tailor the sessions around your design and provide nourishing aftercare support based on how you metabolise stress, emotions and more.

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How Does It Work?

Did you know that we consume as much information DAILY as people in Shakespearean times did in their WHOLE LIFE? *insert shocked emoji here*. Between being overworked, overreactive (ping ping ping!) and being in a constant state of consumption - our nervous systems are stretched daily to say the least (and that’s not even taking in to account the backlog of past experiences). This energetic overload has a significant impact on our stress levels, our emotions, physical wellbeing, our mindset AND our energetic body.

As a result, two common things can happen:

WE GET STUCK ON. This looks like symptoms of hyperactivity, hyperarousal, stress, anxiety, reactivity, not being able to sit still and always having to be BUSY. It might look like high screen time and phone addiction or struggling to sleep well. It might look like short, shallow breaths and overwhelm at the thought of daily life.

WE GET STUCK OFF. This looks like symptoms of fatigue, depression, numbness, dissociation, avoidance. It might look like having no energy for anything and feeling fed up by it all.


  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Enhanced creativity and focus

  • Improved emotional regulation and mood

  • Greater sense of connection and self-awareness

  • Increased physical vitality and improved sleep quality


The body has 7 bands of tension in the body: the eyes, the jaw, the throat, the heart, the diaphragm, the abdominal and the pelvis (which all link to areas of your Human Design and we can tailor individual sessions to support each of these areas). Each of these bands can store different emotional expression. The body creates this tension in the body as a form of protection (and may manifest as physical pain or symptoms)…however what we are also preventing is all of the joy, happiness, gratitude and fulfilment that’s trapped and stuffed down behind it.

So think of the breath like a balloon that’s opening up space for the energy to shift. We then use movement, sound and physical touch to allow that energy to shift up and out from the body (I specifically work with the Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release method). Throughout the sessions, we are bringing the nervous system back in to a resourced state, taking you out of survival response (fight, flight, freeze, appease) and restoring balance.

Each time you have a breathwork session, it’s also like a gym for your nervous system. You’re increasing what you have the capacity to hold (hello up-level!). So many of the women I work with report back that things that used to bother them in the past or cause overwhelm no longer do after our sessions. That they are not only able to cope better in life, but thrive too.

The Details.

Each breathwork session begins with space for chats and connection + looking over your Human Design chart to gain a deeper understanding of what we might be working through together to support your body + nervous system. Then, we move into a beautiful grounding meditation, followed by 45 minutes of breathwork tailored to your unique design and then integration at the end. In person, complete the session with tea, bliss balls and either online/IRL - we have space to share. You’ll also receive tailored practices + a 20 minute guided breathwork meditation for you to take home to support yourself in the days following.

In-person sessions (2 hours) are held at a private studio at Pimpama and the address will be sent after booking is confirmed.

Online Sessions are held over Zoom, and the link will be emailed to you upon booking along with details to set your space.

After your initial session, there are options to tailor packages based on what will support you if you wish to continue on the journey.


What Others Say.



what is breathwork?

Breathwork is a general term used to refer to any type of breathing exercises or techniques. By using a specific breathing pattern, we can access new states of awareness in the body allowing us to improve our mental, physical and emotional health. Think of it like a gym for your nervous system - it supports you to not only come out of survival mode (stress, fatigue, low mood etc) and into your vital ability to thrive.

how is biodynamic breathwork different to other forms of breathwork?

Biodynamic Breathwork is like no other Breathwork I have experienced. It combines the breath with specific movement and physical touch points to release stored tension and emotion from the muscles, joints and fascia in the body. What this allows for us to do is go to the root cause in the body of a lot of our emotional blocks, unconscious beliefs that are stored in the body and even get relief from physical pain in the body. It’s a complete unwinding of the nervous system. Biodynamic Breathwork also has the ability to work with the seven belts of tension in the body (eyes, jaw, throat, throasic, diaphragm, abdominal and pelvis) to move the energy in your body from frozen ice to flowing water as it’s intended to.

what are the benefits of breathwork?

There are sooooo many benefits of doing Breathwork - both in a session and ongoing. It supports your nervous system to reduce stress and anxiety, release negative emotions and thought patterns, support you to heal from past experiences, alleviate physical pain in the body, improved sleep, increase confidence, self esteem, self image and increase your overall life satisfaction and happiness.

do i need to prepare for a session?

Wear comfortable and loose clothing (preferably no denim), have a water bottle on hand to hydrate afterwards and really just come with an open mind and know that you’ll be held every step of the way. If you like to set intentions for these sort of experiences you are more than welcome to do that, but what i’ve learned in Breathwork is the body will lead us.

what is the difference between online and in person sessions?

The main difference is that in person I will be using physical touch points on the body (with permission from you) to release the tension from the muscles, joints and fascia. In online sessions, i’ll be using my voice to guide you to move and support yourself with physical touch points.

is breathwork safe for everyone?

Breathwork does have contraindications, so if you fall within one of these categories - it’s best to get your medical professional’s sign off first: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic disease or terminal illness, severe asthma, lung conditions, severe cardiac concerns or hypertension, a history of epilepsy, severe diabetes, are pregnant or suspect you might be, severe PTSD, are on any psychiatric medication or have had a recent surgery or physical injury.

what happens during a breathwork session, what can i expect?

Every breathwork session is different - both for the individual and the individual experience. But what you can expect is to be held in a safe, non-judgmental space where we start each session connecting with each other, demonstrating the breath and going over any information you or I need to be aware of. From there, we always begin with a beautiful meditation to support you to connect to your body and drop into the experience. If you’ve never experienced Breathwork before, you might get some tingles in the hands, feet or even other areas of the body. You might get a tiny bit of tightness in the hands or feet as well. I always approach the sessions gently and work with you and your body to get the most from the session. Afterwards, you get a beautiful opportunity to just relax, let the entire experience settle and then we have some nourishing chats afterwards (if you’re in person, you also get tea + bliss balls).

what are the benefits of a 1:1 session over group or meditations i can access online?

What I have found in group sessions is we can sometimes be distracted or influenced by others experiences. With a 1:1 session, you really have the private space for yourself to go where your body needs to go without the unconscious fear of judgement or interruption. You also have me by your side to know that you’re safe, held, seen and supported in the process. Whilst free meditations online can also be beautiful, they won’t allow you to go as deep or personalised as the 1:1 experiences.