Hi, i’m Kirsten.

I’m a 6/2 Emotional Manifestor and human sized permission slip and advocate for individuality, authenticity, self trust and empowerment. My gift is catalysing action, purpose and momentum for others.

The path i’m walking now officially started when Justin Bieber followed me on the app formerly known as Twitter on New Years Eve, 2016. Yep, true story.

What came from that was a series of connections (and life events) that lead me to study youth mentorship…which lead to becoming a Certified Life Coach, NLP + Matrix Therapies, Biodynamic Breathwork, EFT practitioner and a Human Design Mentor.

Looking back though, the clues that I was destined for this path were always there. I attended meditation circles and workshops before I was even 10 years old, was a passionate writer, read personal development books in my early teens and was fascinated with natural healing and therapies for as long as I can remember.

From my late teens, I took a pretty big detour into the world of events, moved overseas, partied it up for a good decade and got into the world of fashion. I tried on many hats leading up to this one - blogger, stylist, photographer, designer. Although all of them gave me some amazing skills, they weren’t IT.

I’ve always been driven by the knowing we’re all here for a reason - and I wanted to know what that was for myself. After endlessly (and seemingly fruitlessly) searching for my purpose in my 20s, I finally took my dream extended trip to America in late 2016 and through a myriad of pivotal experiences was gifted two major breakthroughs

1) that even if I knew what I wanted to do, I didn’t have the belief in myself to do it and 2) that the path I was on no longer spoke to me. I wanted to do something helping others. I came home, threw myself into my own personal development and in attending my first workshop, realised that the story of ‘i’m not good enough’ I had been telling my whole life…actually wasn’t true.

I decided that if one weekend could change a story that had held me back for a lifetime, that whatever happened in that room - I wanted to do for others too. I threw myself into learning everything I could to help others and eventually what started as a deep passion, turned into a thriving business (with the help of knowing my Human Design!). You can hear a detailed version of the story in this podcast episode.

With my 6th line personal experience, lived wisdom (seriously sometimes it feels like i’ve lived 9 lives already!), unique perspective and impactful Manifestor aura - i’m your cheerleader in every corner, ready to remind you of your genius as you bring your dreams to life. I have a knack for getting straight to the heart of your truth - and supporting you to align to it. I love creating spaces for people to HEAR themselves - not drown in more unnecessary noise.

My focus? Value based transformation. I want you to unlearn anything that’s in the way of your inherent magic, then amplify your genius. I’m not interested in the reality of ‘should’s’, homogenised strategies or techniques for success.

I’m not here to pass on a one-size-fits-all system for you to follow - especially not since you’re a one-of-a-kind walking miracle. I’m interested in the endless possibilities that exist in your unique essence and leap together beyond the trappings of what’s realistic and into the limitlessness.

The values that form the foundation of my business are individuality, authenticity, creativity and purpose. You’ll find these four key essences at the steering wheel of every experience with me. I’m a Left Angle Cross of Individualism (your ‘purpose’ in Human Design). Which means that I am wildly passionate about your individuality, especially for those are on driven by a life of purpose and meaning.

I alchemise Breathwork, Mindset Reprogramming and Human Design together to allow you to shred everyone else from your cells and reveal what’s always been there: YOU (you bloody badass). Stripping away the stories of too much-ness, not enough-ness that take away from your all-ness.

To create an activation of your truth, inspire innovation and new ways of doing things that feel most alive to you. To reconnect you to your own intuition, your guidance system and your soul truth. Leaving only excitement to go all in, your way.

One of my favourite movies is The Matrix and in my opinion, what the Oracle is trying to tell Neo on his first visit to her - is that ANYONE could have been the one - if they DECIDE. She highlights Morpheus as an example. He spent so much time searching for the one, that he never saw it in himself.

I don’t want you to spend your entire life searching for the one: one more solution, one more strategy, one more system…when you HAVE and always WILL BE the one you’re looking for.

I promise you that the more you that you are, the more magnetic you become. The less you have to ‘chase’ or force and instead, attract. We are all encoded with specific energetics that make us a unique instrument, that when we master it - we add our harmony to the collective.

Why spend your life trying to play someone else’s music, when your UNIQUE sound is so needed? We don’t need 8 billion guitars. We need the whole band.

I’m endlessly passionate about unlocking this music that’s already within you. Because I truly believe we are all here for a very specific and meaningful reason. I believe we have everything we will ever need encoded within us to do this. To not only get everything we came here to get, but to contribute as well.

I believe life is meant to be rich, full of purpose and on our own terms. I believe we can have it all - and then some. I believe the more people living in alignment to their souls truth, the better this world will be. That the future we dream of, will be here now.

I believe your way is the only way and that you ARE the exception to the rule, because you're exceptional.