Human Design is your unique energetic blueprint.

Consider it like the user manual for your soul. Human Design gives us a permission slip to be completely ourselves, trust in our way and deeply understand what we’re here for. It illuminates our strengths, gifts, wisdom and purpose. It shows us how we are here to move through the world and what we came to contribute. And in a world that is constantly trying to tell us how to be - it allows you to be fully seen, understood and feel empowered in your uniqueness.

One of the reasons I find that Human Design resonates so deeply for everyone that comes across it, is that it not only creates awareness around your souls highest expression in this lifetime, but how to navigate your human experience as well. How you metabolise stress, make aligned decisions, process emotions, whether you’re designed for consistency or fluidity - and strategies to lean on to support yourself with it all. It gives you the roadmap to maximise your potential, align yourself to your signature state (peace, satisfaction, success or surprise), create a deeper sense of purpose and bring your genius to the world as a result.

Human Design is a powerful tool for self understanding, acceptance, belief, trust and empowerment. It’s time to tear up the rulebook, REMEMBER your own and unlock the pure potentiality of your one-of-a-kind brilliance.

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What’s Included in a Human Design Reading?

When you book in, you’ll supply me with your specific birth date, birth time, and place of birth - along with any specifics you’re hoping to discover in the session.

  • PRIOR TO THE READING: You’ll receive videos on your unique energy type (how you’re here to exchange energy with the world), your authority (decision making process) and profile (leadership archetypes you came here to embody) prior to our reading to get an understanding of the foundations.

  • THE LIVE READING: We’ll then jump on a live 90 minute zoom call to dive into the intricacies of design, where you can also ask questions as we go.

  • You’ll be emailed a recording of the call so you can download & watch again and again.

  • AFTER THE READING: You’ll also receive a PDF detailing the key elements of your chart as a ‘cheat sheet’ you can quickly refer to (your Soul Blueprint) as well as additional resources, tools and tips to embody your design.

  • You’ll leave feeling deeply connected with who you are, what you’re here for and a huge permission slip to be more YOU.

Please note: It’s important that your DOB and all data entered is correct at time of purchase. If you are unsure of your specific time of birth, please provide as accurate as possible window of time. If you don’t have an accurate window of time, please get in touch so we can chat prior to booking your reading - as this is very important for accuracy of your blueprint.

What Will We Cover?

  • Your unique Energy Type and Strategy - how you’re here to exchange energy with the world and move through life with ease and magnetism. If you have a creative pursuit or enterprise, we’ll dive into what this means in terms of how to apply it to create magnetism for your business and creations.

  • Your Authority - how you’re here to make energetically correct decisions to eliminate decision fatigue and create alignment in your life.

  • Your Profile - the archetypes you’re here to embody to bring your purpose to life - and what this means in terms of your leadership.

  • Your Energy Centres - your innate gifts, what you’re here to learn in this lifetime and how you’re here to impact and influence, giving you major guidance for your offerings and creations and clarity to communicate WHAT and HOW you do what you do.

  • Your Channels - the energy that flows between your energy centres giving another layer of depth and clarity to your strengths, how you bring your work to life and the consistent flow of energetic genius you offer those around you.

  • The Four Energies of your Incarnation Cross - these are the energetics of your purpose, giving you clarity and understanding of exactly what you’re here to contribute.

Option 2: 1:1 Soul Blueprint Sessions.

Looking to get clear AF about your purpose, soul gifts and message? This is for the entrepreneur, artist, business owner, creator or service provider that has either had a full reading already, or you’ve been experimenting individually with your design. You have a grasp of the basics of your design - you just want to take that awareness, explore the ‘how’ in finer detail and create a breakthrough to embody it on a deeper level.

These sessions are more ‘coaching style’ with a specific focus around purpose energetics. In the Soul Blueprint session, we’ll identifying anything that needs to align in your unique HD Environment and Motivation - two aspects that will open up an entirely new level of creative drive, flow, opportunities and support you to remain in the power of your design.

We’ll explore your Purpose Energetics + Genius Codes in detail - leaving you with complete clarity on the energy you’re here to bring and what your unique message is to speak into.

With these sessions, we can also identify the main source of conditioning in the way of this and do a clearing on the call to support you to leave feeling expanded, clear and lit up to go out into the world and create your one-of-a-kind impact. You’ll fill out a form prior to the session so we can dial in on exactly what you’re looking for clarity on and there’ll be opportunity for you to ask questions as well.

These sessions go for 2 hours and you’ll also get a copy of the recording + a comprehensive PDF of your blueprint to keep after.


what is the human design system?

Human Design is a combination of Astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, Chakra System, Quantum Physics and Genetic Code Science. Essentially, it blends the energetics of our physical body with our soul’s essence and gives us a complete ‘user manual’ to your experience here in this lifetime.

HOW DO I FIND OUT my human design type?

You can find out your Human Design Type for free here. There are 5 Energy Types: Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting-Generator, Projector or Reflector. Your Energy Type is like the vehicle you’re driving around in this lifetime and speaks to how you’re here to exchange energy with the world around you. It gives you a unique look into the structure of your aura (energetic impact) and how you can create alignment to maintain your Signature State: Peace, Satisfaction, Success or Surprise.


The world of Human Design can be a complex rabbit hole of (sometimes) generalised information that speaks to each aspect of the chart individually. What a Human Design Reading will give you is a step by step walk through of what you’re seeing on the screen so you understand YOUR unique design and how it all works together in unison. The benefit of a live Human Design reading is that you get to also ask questions, have the information tailored to your life or career and get personalised support to add it into your life afterwards.

what happens after a human design reading?

A Human Design Reading will give you a really good understanding of the foundations of your design, along with a few tips to start implementing straight away to begin experimenting with the information. What i’ve found most beneficial with Human Design is to have ongoing support to take the ‘what’ from the reading and deeply embody the ‘how’ into your life. If you enjoy the reading and want mentorship to do this, there are several options ranging from a deep dive 1:1 Soul Blueprint Session (listed above), Self Paced exploration or my ongoing 1:1 Essence Mentorship.

what if i don’t know my exact time of birth?

An exact time of birth is really important in getting a Human Design Reading. I would recommend contacting the hospital you were born firstly, followed by a department like Births, Deaths + Marriages in your city next. Alternatively, you can reach out to an Astrologer who does rectification’s to narrow down a window of time. Sometimes we can get really lucky with your chart and not much will change across the day, so if you’re really stuck feel free to reach out and i’ll see what I can do for you -


No, your Human Design is your unique design assigned at birth. Much like your Astrological sign, it doesn’t change with time.


If you’re new to Human Design and haven’t had a reading yet, start with the Human Design Reading. This is going to give you a deep understanding of your unique design. If you’ve already had a reading (even with someone else) or you’ve been consistently experimenting with your design for 6+ months and feel solid in the foundations, then the Soul Blueprint Session is for you.

i’m curious to study human design to offer this to others, do you do reader training?

I do! I have a 12 week Human Design Reader Training program called By Design that’ll support you to confidently read charts for others and seamlessly weave it into your exisiting offers if you already have a business. You also get a 1:1 HD Reading included in By Design, so if you know that’s a pathway you want to take already, this is a great opportunity to do both.