Step 1: Let’s connect.

  • If you’re brand new to my world (hi and welcome!), be sure to connect on your favourite social platform [Instagram + Threads, TikTok and YouTube].

  • You can also tune into the podcast, EXPRESSED.

  • I upload free meditation resources to InsightTimer you can use as part of your daily rituals.

  • Finally, join the mailing list so you can be the first in the loop. You’ll also get instant access to the free 5 day email training to unlock your inner icon using your Human Design chart.

Step 2: Get your free Human Design Chart.

If you haven’t got your hands on your Human Design Chart yet - you can grab it for free here.

Step 3: Explore the ways we can work together.

Curious to explore the options to work together to unlock your highest potential, clarity and purpose? Check out the suggestions below. If you’re not sure which option is the best fit for you for where you’re at in your journey, you can book a complimentary 30 minute Soul Session and i’ll give you my suggestion for what would be most impactful.

suggestion one: a deep dive into your design

Human Design Readings.

Think of it like a user manual for your soul. I have always firmly believed that we have everything we will ever need inside us, it’s simply a process of revealing it and Human Design is a powerful tool to do so.

It’s the blueprint for exactly who you came in to this life to be, before society threw your unique user manual out the window and provided you with a stock standard copy. It’s a visual guide to your unique strengths, wisdom and ways you operate best. It provides insights to how you’re here to impact and influence the world around you. It’s a permission slip to be ALL of you - and begin to deeply trust yourself and your way.

It’s time to tear up the rulebook and REMEMBER your own. If you’re looking to deeply understand yourself and what you’re here for - this is the option for you.

Options for Human Design Readings + advanced 1:1 Soul Blueprint Sessions to dive even deeper into your design.

suggestion two: in-depth + high impact mentorship

1:1 Essence Mentorship.

At the core of everything we do, create and offer into the world - is the essence of who we are. I believe that our ‘purpose’ is simply an extension of fine tuning who you are so much that anything you create, is a living, breathing, embodiment of that. The point where you become an instrument of purpose - and your life, creations + enterprise are simply a vehicle for you to express it. Essence mentorship is here to unlock your legacy identity - supporting you to leave the mark that only you can make in the world.

This is for you if you desire a deeply supportive 1:1 environment and want to go all in on embodying and circulating your soul gifts into the world with clarity, confidence and fulfilment - in YOUR way.

suggestion three: become a human design reader

By Design {Human Design Reader Training}.

In By Design, you’ll gain the tools, language and framework to empower the individual in front of you. To reveal their true potential, strengths and support them to find clarity and purpose in their lives. You’ll be able to compassionately shine a light on any limiting beliefs, patterns or conditioning and get to the root energetic cause based on their design. In a way that feels good, honours their TRUE alignment, personal values and never feels like compromise or force.

By Design is Human Design, simplified - easy to understand, digestible and applicable.. This doesn’t just teach you how to read a chart - it also shows you how to APPLY the information to create a transformation.

This is the perfect option for coaches, practitioners or facilitators who want to create powerful and transformative results based on their clients one-of-a-kind blueprint, add an additional revenue stream and become a standout in your industry.

suggestion two: in-depth + high impact mentorship

suggestion four: dive into self exploration

The Self Paced Shop.

Whether you prefer to learn at your own pace (in the comfort of your own aura) or just have a wealth of resources up your sleeve to accelerate your growth - the self paced shop is for the pioneer, the creative and the visionary in you.

There’s spaces to dip your toe into understanding the foundations of your Human Design, launch a full scale experiment into embodying your unique blueprint, embrace the art of being you in your business + support yourself through change and transformation. Explore the digital aisles for all things purpose, entrepreneurship and empowerment. Happy shopping!

Not sure which option is for you? No worries. Book in a chat with me and i’ll recommend what I feel will best support you.