AlcheME is for rebels, the visionaries & the creatives who are ready to burn the rulebook & rewrite your own, all by design.

It’s a self-paced journey to alchemise the art of being YOU and live the f*ck out of your unique design when it comes to you and your business. I know you have a spark in you that’s here to blaze a trail in the world. You’ve moved through your own hurdles and challenges that planted the seed for a big ‘why’ in your heart and now you’re using that as fuel to put your gifts in to the world...and now you’re ready to amplify that.

Human Design gives you a language and a framework to understand yourself and to see how truly unique you are. It reflects your blueprint of unique energetics that are already encoded within you to guide you through life. It gives you waves of confirmation, affirmation and a fiery permission slip that you are pretty incredible, just the way you are - and that you CAN do things in a way that feels good to you, not just the way you’re told you SHOULD. It gives you clarity, certainty and a whole new level of self trust and acceptance.

AlcheME is a portal in to embodying your design and ALL OF YOU, so you can weave that potency in to your business (and the world). To support you to amplify your individuality and become an in instrument of purpose - a living, breathing, embodiment of your souls magic.

If you’re here, i’m sure you’ve probably been sold the ever expanding stories of what ‘success’ looks like and the million and one things you need to do to get it.

Show up consistently, have a blog, have a podcast, have a YouTube channel. Reels should be no more than 30 seconds. You’ve got to be on TikTok and Threads. Every day. Different content for each! Make sure you think about what your ideal avatar wants. You have to have a DM strategy and be engaging with new accounts to grow your following. Have you got a free online community? A unique method? An authority bio?

F*ck me. It’s no wonder we’re all bloody exhausted and turned off. It’s a cycle that just simply perpetuates ‘not enough-ness’ and outsourcing our power. And ‘the rules’ change faster than IG updates the algorithm.

I know you’ve tried doing ‘all the right things’...yet it still doesn’t completely feel right for you. In fact, this perpetual cycle of the ‘should’s’ has probably left you burnt the f*ck out at times, spinning your wheels and doubting yourself. Deep in your bones, something doesn’t feel right. But because it’s what everyone says ‘works’’ve internalised it. You’ve made it mean that there’s something wrong with you and questioned if you’ll ever actually get to where you want to be. You leave yet another investment, bitter, frustrated and disappointed that you were once again, the exception to the rule.

I discovered Human Design at a time in my journey when I felt completely disillusioned. I was following EVERYTHING to the letter…and it still felt hard. I now know it was because I was completely out of alignment with my OWN strategy. I wasn’t trusting my inner authority. I wasn’t leaning in to the energetics behind my unique purpose. I didn’t trust the ebbs and surges that bring my creativity to life. I was pushing and stuffing my expression in to a tightly wound box to make it fit a system and strategy. I was fighting against the current, rather than swimming with the stream of my design. Once I started embodying my design, everything changed. The level of trust, ease and peace I now have within myself, in my life and my business is something I never knew was possible. I want that for you too.

I’m here to tell you, if you’ve felt like the exception to the rule it’s because you ARE. You are the exception to the rule, because you’re exceptional. You could master every strategy, every system, follow everything to the letter…and it could still not work. Because none of that shit matters if you’re not being yourself. It all starts with YOU.

One of my favourite movies is The Matrix and in my opinion, what the Oracle is trying to tell Neo on his first visit to her - is that ANYONE could have been the one - if they DECIDE. She highlights Morpheus as an example. He spent so much time searching for the one, that he never saw it in himself. I don’t want you to spend your entire life searching for the ONE: one more solution, one more strategy, one more system…when you HAVE and always WILL BE the one you’re looking for.

There is no greater strategy than being yourself. All of you. Mastering the art of your unique energetics UNLOCKS a NATURAL magnetism that pulls life towards you.

What if you actually didn’t have a subconscious belief blocking you from doing those things you resist doing, what if it just wasn’t f*cking for you?

What if all the things you’ve been told about yourself about the ways you’re too much, wan’t to have periods of rest, move too quickly, have too many projects on the go, don’t stick with things, move too quickly...what if these qualities are the EXACT way you’re here to contribute?

What if all those experiences of trial and error, all the times you doubted yourself...what if they were giving you the exact blueprint for your legacy?

What if you actually DIDN’T need to be a content creating machine in order to be a success? What if rather than prioritising your productivity you prioritised your nourishment?

What if all you needed to do...was show up as yourself, in your alignment for the things that moved you?

There is no one size fits all method to life or success and it’s time you stopped stuffing and packing your individual genius into the boxes it doesn’t fit in. It’s time you started living the fuck out of your design and work WITH your energy, rather than against it. It’s time for you to burn all the rules that echo like ‘shoulds’ in your head and start to do the things that light you up with peace, satisfaction, joy, achievement, inspiration and delight. So that you can actually ENJOY your business and set it up to support you in return.

It’s time for you to step into the most magnetic energy there is: DECISIVENESS. If you haven’t built the foundation within yourself to trust what’s true for you, the world will decide for you. You are the foundation for EVERYTHING in life, so let’s make it unshakeable.

AlcheME will support you to home to your truth, your power and your unique individual genius. To DECIDE who you are, what you want and what will work for you. To trust yourself so deeply you’ll never again let someone breed mistrust in your souls unshakeable knowing. You do not need an ‘authority’ or an ‘expert’ to dictate what is right for you. You are the expert of your experience, your soul is the authority for your genius, your unique energy and individualism is the best strategy you have.

Nobody knows better than YOU for YOU. There is only one way - yours. It’s time to remember what that is and live it.

What’s Covered.


In the welcome module, you’ll be given an overview of what AlcheME is and how to make the most of your experience. You’ll also learn a little bit about what Human Design is + guidance on how to pull your chart (perfect for whatever your knowledge of Human Design is). Following that, you’ll go through four days of prep work to set you up for success.

module 1: Magnetism.

Unleash the natural magnetism in your human design Energy Type, get into the energy of decisiveness and start operating from energetic integrity. You’ll learn how your aura is here to be exchanged with the world around you, so you can be deeply felt in your authentic power and increase the impact you have with your audience, ideal clients and customers. There’s also a bonus lesson on launch tips for your energy type (+ a breathwork experience to anchor it in and move past any resistance to getting your offers into the world).

module 2: Embodiment.

The health of our nervous system + physical body? The health of the success in our business. In this module, you’ll connect to the wisdom of your body in a deeper way, tone your overworked nervous system and increase your capacity in not only your leadership, but how much you can hold in your business. We can say we want say, 10 x clients, but if your body only feels safe to hold 3 - that’s where you’ll hit your upper limit. You will also learn somatic practices to support you to navigate your ‘not self’ emotions and come back to your signature state and thrive. This week also comes with a ‘toning toolkit’ full of breathwork, meditation and movement practices.

module 3: authority.

Disconnect from dogma and the age of the ‘expert’ and take your power source back. You’ll learn how to tap into your inner GPS, overcome decision fatigue, become your own authority and enter an entirely new level of self trust and empowerment.

module 4: Genius.

Tap into your unique strengths and learn how to sharpen and leverage these in your business. In this module, you’ll build a rock solid foundation on your genius and have a clear understanding of exactly HOW you do what you do so you can clearly communicate this to your audience.

module 5: WISDOM.

Explore your open energy centres (also considered your profit centres) and discover the wisdom you have to share and exchange. You’ll unpack the unique lens in which your experiences are EXACTLY what you’re here to share - which will give you clarity on WHAT you’re here to help others with - giving you endless inspiration for aligned offerings within the world of your business.

module 6: Refine, Release, Expand.

Identify any programming or conditioning in the way of you living in your truth and unpack common conditioning for each energy type. Here we will refine, release and reprogram anything that’s blocking you on a worth level in your subconscious, cut anything weighing down your worth and create expansion towards your true north. You’ll uncover the identity boxes you’ve held yourself in and the ways you’ve potentially been inauthentically celebrated - so you can discern your inherent self from your inherited self.


In this module, you’ll untangle yourself from the comparison trap, embrace your individuality, break up with busy, understand your creative process and experiment with your authentic expression. You’ll also learn your soul values and personal laws so you can create a business that aligns to them too.

module 8: LEGACY.

Discover the leadership archetypes you’re here to embody to bring your purpose to life, dive into your purpose energetics and unlock the message you uniquely came here to share. You’ll also learn WHO you came here to impact (consider it your soul’s ‘niche’). In our final module, you’ll collapse the timelines between your ‘future self’ and who you already are, weave every aspect of your chart together and step into your legacy identity.

BONUS: Guest Speaker Archives

Learn from other incredible souls who are an expression of their purpose - yin yoga, womb wisdom, embodied movement, astrology, creativity and intuition.

What’s Included.

12 months access to:

  • 1 x Welcome Module + Prep Work to set you up on a solid foundation for success.

  • 8 x self paced learning modules designed to initiate you into your power.

  • A resource library to support you to reprogram outdated beliefs in your subconscious and tone your nervous system, expanding your capacity for visibility, leadership and confidence.

  • BONUS: 6 x Guest Speaker replays covering everything from creativity, womb wisdom, astrology, movement, yin yoga and energy clearing.

Your Investment.

The investment for AlcheME is $397AUD (or two split monthly payments of $198.50AUD) and you get 12 months access to the learning content.


When can i purchase?

AlcheME is available to join all year round! It’s self paced so you can jump in anytime. It’s designed to be completed in 8 weeks, however you can go at your own pace within the 12 months access.

What if I already know a bit about my human design?

Then this in the perfect place to go deeper and live the f*ck out of your design - specifically through the lens of purpose and business. This takes the general information and starts to dial in your awareness of how you can use it to sharpen your strengths, unlock your wisdom and step into your embodied power.

What if I’ve never had a human design reading and know nothing about it?

Absolutely no problem at all. Each module will be super digestible, practical and designed to support you no matter where you’re at in your journey. There is also a video explaining Human Design in the welcome module with guidance on how to pull your chart.

HOW IS THIS DIFFERENT FROM by design, your human design reader training?

AlcheME is all about YOU - it’s focused on your embodiment of your design and navigating any conditioning, societal should’s, upper limits and beliefs causing resistance to that - in particular, for you to use that IN your business. It is self paced and you get 12 months access to the content. By Design is an educational view on Human Design to support you to understand, unpack and interpret charts for OTHERS - either in a stand alone reading setting or to weave it into your existing offers. By Design also offers 3 x 1:1 calls as part of your investment + an ongoing monthly group call for guidance and support. You also get lifetime access to the content. Basically, AlcheME is if you want to understand your design for personal use and By Design is for professional use.

How long do I have access to the content?

12 months from purchase date.


Not in this program as it’s entirely self paced. However, you can book a 1:1 Soul Blueprint Session in if you’re finding you want some personalised coaching on top of the course or explore 1:1 Mentorship. If you decide you want to learn more about Human Design as a modality or tool within your business, I would recommend joining By Design. Although we cover a lot in AlcheME, we don’t explore how to powerfully use the information for others and there is much more depth covered in By Design.