​Ever have one of those 'aha' moments that actually make you chuckle out loud at the simplicity of it? I had one a few weeks ago while I was standing in my closet pondering how much the collective theme of uncertainty seemed to still be present.

So many of us are in phases of metamorphosis, pivots, shifts and being called into unknown (yet expansive) new territory. I can definitely feel a big 'tide turning' moment incoming for us next month (about to sit down and look at the cosmic energetics, so stay tuned on IG for that ).

As I was standing there mulling all of this over, considering how many of us are seeking clarity right now, when I heard the words 'clarity is what you decide'. I actually stopped hanging my clothes and laughed out loud at how straight forward that seemed...but hear me out.

We put A LOT of energetic output into 'getting it right'. The right path. The right business. The right profession. The right place to live. The right person. The right offers. But what if...whatever we decide is right?

I think sometimes our pressure to 'get it right' comes down to thinking we've wasted time or an opportunity if we don't. But as I always say to my clients, no skill goes wasted. Not only that, sometimes the wisdom and experience we learn in that part of our journey is fundamental in ways we can't even imagine from our current vantage point.

One of my favourite speeches is by Steve Jobs (a 4/6 Mani-Gen), where he shares about so many seemingly random things he dabbled in along his journey...that all led to the success of Apple. Right down to stumbling into a calligraphy seminar at University (that he wasn't even enrolled in because he dropped out lol).

That seminar formed the foundation of the fonts that innovated the computer industry. He goes on to say one of my favourite quotes:

'You can't connect the lines looking forward, you can only connect them looking back. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.'

I have been asked many times how I got into the work I do today, and many are surprised to hear just how many hats I have tried on to find this one. Event manager, fashion blogger, designer, stylist, photographer. Not to mention my 19 year old dream of becoming a DJ (that could still happen! haha).

The thing is, absolutely ALL of those things gave me skills I use today. It's why I (still) do all my own marketing and branding - because I learned those skills blogging - and I love it.

Even the other day one of the participants of my monthly membership called me the 'Catalylst DJ' which I absolutely LOVE - because putting together the playlist is one of the highlights of my month haha.

My point is, even the things that seem utterly random, even if you take the scenic route, even if you feel like you've wandered off the path you started with...

...there are threads weaving in your destiny that even if you can't see are all coming together. You are right on track, even when it seems like you're lost.

Remember, even Neo's superpowers came online when he decided he was the one. There is power in decision. Clarity is what you decide.

So decide (using your Authority for support, because #humandesign) and back yourself. Take the step and let the road come to meet you.